Sunday, February 27, 2011

inappropriate de-identification?

i had a stroke of brilliance on facebook tonight.. as a way of networking with the gay community in my city.. i was able to search under the 'people i may know' with the local lgbt center (which is technically 'a friend'). while intersecting this search with either my high school, home town, etc.. i was able to isolate those with at least 2 or 3 mutual friends, which led to inroads for introductions to new gay friends through my current friends. babam!!! i probably should go through my current friends first, instead of through a 'cold' facebook email to them.. but what a cool way to network... i figure that if the new gay friend has already 'friended' the lgbt center, then maybe they are out? who knows. we'll see what happens. what's the worst that could happen? maybe make a new friend, and/or make a new funny awkward story about how i meet new gay guys. LoL

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