Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Does One Cut to the Chase In a Man-Eat-Man World?

Does creativity come out of desperation or frustration? It's coming to the point of absolute absurdity and ridiculousness.  Last night, I kissed a guy who was (supposedly) bi-sexual, and realized how gay I really am, and how much I really like being who I am. It felt good... to be touched, and want to be kissed. So, of course now I'm all on this kick and excited to find dates... and then find myself scurrying around again on the only venue available to most normal gay guys in the city: and Craigslist. And so I start again.... but this time, I want to be bolder and to the point.. maybe I have to play the game better with respect to 'selling myself'.... listing my interests, hobbies, etc...... being more bold in describing who I really am, and what makes me tick.  I'm really not sure how else to do it. It seems ridiculous that there is no venue to meet guys apart from gay bars, and to rely upon CL and one needs to be able to prove you are a catch within a 10 second glance at your photo or profile, or you get passed by. So, i'm not sure what to do... Go all out and get some good photos made; list my interests; actually spend more than 2 minutes on my profile? How do I cut to the chase? Indeed this is the issue.

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