Saturday, September 17, 2011

Back to Myself

I have had a much better week.... coming back from vacation, I was able to get back into the swing of my job, turn in a grant, and reconnect with colleagues.  I must say that despite my perceived slump of my dating / personal life, I feel extremely fortunate to be so passionate about my career. When I speak to new people I meet about my research and teaching experiences, I light up. This is truly a good sign, compared to prior experiences when asked about my research analyst job, I was much less animated.

I'm not quite sure why my levels of hope are elevated now compared to last week... perhaps because I have begun to correspond with a handsome and intelligent guy on, or maybe because I finally have my energy back after a crazy busy 4 weeks of lecture prep, grants, and vacation; or maybe because I have decided it's OK to take small doses of my medications again... These combined together has led to a good recovery.... and even better, has led to sense of hope again, which I perceived as being completely lost just about 4 days ago.

I sit here with my morning coffee, and my plans for the day, and have no qualms or complaints. Not a bad way to begin my weekend: in peace, solitude, and a sense of hope.

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