Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Extreme Makeover: Phase I

I woke up 20 pounds heavier. My health went to crap the past 2 years: mentally, and physically. I think back to before girlfriend (at the time) moved to my hometown.. I was just out of my graduate school program, exercising daily, doing my post-doc.  Then: a new job; girlfriend moves to town; juggling things back and forth. Then the house hunt. Then the questioning of my sexuality; then the depression; adapting to my job.... ..  

I weighed myself this morning. Usually, I just take this in stride, just check every once in a while, keeping things in check. Doctor says I need to watch my weight b/c of my kidney problem. hypertension, high cholesterol, family history of heart disease... Constant battle... 

And I realize that this battle of keeping myself physically in shape is directly linked to my mental health as well.  If I am in a job that seems structureless; competitive, and requires myself putting on the boundaries, I tend to put my own needs on hold. Eat like crap; don't exercise regularly; non-structured daily routine. So now the time has come: permanent change in my health starting with an Extreme Makeover.

I take stock in what I have gone through the past 3 months:

1) come to terms with my sexuality. 
2) have gone on a couple of dates with dudes. 
3) have come out to the rest of my closest friends. 
4) have identified that my job sucks, and have resigned. 

My main goals the next 3 months are to:  

1) discern my next job calling
2) lose 20 pounds
3) donate any excess belongings that I do not need anymore. 
4) go on a road trip out West.

Stay tuned........


  1. Ziggy,
    This blog is very interesting, and I'm curious to hear what happens next. The sh*t always seems to hit the fan all at once. Change, positive or negative, comes in bunches, doesn't it?
    This is well-written and well-structured. The storyline is compelling.

  2. Paul- the extreme makeover continues. but with some wrinkles. I am going on a road trip, but it will be abbreviated..... Also, my trips up to MN, WI may need to be via plane b/c of the winter snows. My mental health and my concerns from home are frustrating me greatly, as if I have to justify to them why i'm gay. Extremely unnerving. Mental health is tied into multiple dimensions of my life, i need them and want them to help me; but not on the sexuality thing. That is out of their league. I somehow need to put the boundaries on that, but am not sure how. More to learn in the coming weeks --Ziggy

  3. This is interesting to think back to this... this was really my insight moment of how I really needed to start getting my shit together.... and wow, I had so much crap to juggle, and it all was concentrated in several months of time. It's also cool that 4 years later I surpassed that 20 lb goal, and lost 43 pounds instead of just 20. I really did have ane Extreme Make Over over the past 4 or 5 years (ever since coming out)..... from the mental (coming out, psychology), to the physical (losing weight), hence, creating a much more 'balanced' person physically and mentally. Thinking back, the weight gain made sense, given all the latent stress and truths going on in my mind, which I had not quite come to terms with yet. My body was a mess.

  4. RESONATE: I take stock in what I have gone through the past 3 months:

    1) come to terms with my sexuality.
    2) have gone on a couple of dates with dudes.
    3) have come out to the rest of my closest friends.
    4) have identified that my job sucks, and have resigned.
