Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Contented Down Time

I can't believe how fast the month has gone... I just feel like writing.. I need the self-reflection, and I don't quite know where to start...... Sometimes when I'm having a night in, I like putting on some good music, have a glass of wine, and just write, reflect, and think about where my life is, and the direction I am taking... I have no specific ponderings, with exception of feeling very pleased and looking forward to all the various events and activities both social and work-related that are on my plate; leaving me little time to even be distracted by my usual unhealthy obssessions with navigating the gay world..... 

Despite all of my fishing for dates lately, and actually being relatively successful in some regards, I am sometimes washed over with a feeling of contentment, tranquility, and peace, on evenings like this when I have had a successful day at work, am enjoying music, unwinding, and really have nothing to complain about....... I wish this sense of peace would sustain itself during the times of turmoil or uncertainty, but I will take what I can get right now.

At this moment, I feel on top of my game; and have begun to acheive a balance in my life which is leading to successes left and right, and much hope far into the future. This is a wonderful feeling that I have not felt in a very long time; a feeling of stability, contentment, and success in many aspects of my life.

With that, I will continue my glass of red wine, my music, and my ponderings about the meaning of life.

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