Thursday, March 24, 2011

The 'It Gets Better' Project

This project and movement has gone viral, and it just is so hopeful and makes me want to help. To think that teens commit suicide because of being bullied or being scared about being gay just makes me so sad and horrified. I think back to how I was bullied in various ways, not for being gay, but for just being one of those kids that's easy to pick on.. I was bullied in some isolated incidents over the years, and i just wish now i could go back and kick the asses of all the perpetrators, and show them how much stronger i am spiritually, mentally, physically. Any bullying i see infuriates me, and I just want to be a part of something bigger that helps out these kids. It moves my spirit.... brings tears.... to hear about these stories of gay men and women reaching out and sharing their stories of love and courage in order to save the lives of youth in peril. it's just a beautiful wonderful thing, and I would like to contribute, share my story, and help kids out..... i think back to how horrified i was of my own coming out, and i was a relatively stable guy, with a good job, a stable future, lots of friends.. and it was still excruciating. i can't imagine how hard it would be in a world so accessible to cyberbullying, bullying, and lack of privacy.. how awful it would be to be bullied in high school or college for being gay. just breaks my heart. i hope these guys and gals learn to be mentally stronger and courageous to overcome those who torment them, and know that life gets better if you find your true friends, who will embrace you in love, compassion, and acceptance.

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