Tuesday, March 1, 2011

epiphany using networking techniques.. baboom!!!

networking breakthrough. facebook is the tool of choice for me now. i have figured out how to intersect those who have 'friended' the local gay community center, with mutual friends of mine, who i then send a facebook message, introduce myself as have mutual friends and looking to network and meet other guys in the gay community. baboom. i've already found some very seemingly random connections that would not have occurred without this networking web. so, now i am just hopeful and enthusiastic for discovering this new venue; and now i get to look forward to meeting a whole new network of people. next steps...

1. continue this FB networking technique
2. accept invitation to go to the small theater musical production of a friend of mine.
3. show up to local grassroots art festivals and venues..... which are commonly 'friended' by the gay community

1 comment:

  1. Does the IRS allow you take take tax deductions for this stuff??
