Thursday, December 9, 2010

6 Weeks Of Progress And Challenges

I always get a bit apprehensive before going to the therapist... sometimes I feel a need to justify how I have progressed since the last time.... a way to keep me accountable. More than anything, though, I think that periodic check-ins provide motivation for me to do a 'check-in', and taking a step back on my progress.

So, here is my checklist of accomplishments and challenges the past 6 weeks:


1) Bought the book recommended to help me through anxiety... medication-free.
2) Safely dosing down on my medications...... which is having positive side effects to my energy, confidence, and general disposition.
3) Have cut out my co-dependency cycle with an internet friend.....
4) Have made progress on decreasing my addiction to CL surfing, and less temptation for hook-ups
5) Have made progress in my faith: feeling at 'home' at a new Catholic church.
6) New friendships forming: a) high school friend; b) new friend from gym; c) PhD student; d) MSW student
7) have now lost 23 pounds since July....
8) My facebook 'leniency'.


1) New friendships with straight guys I find attractive.
2) Psychiatrist search: dynamics with parents and insurance coverage barriers.
3) Emotions surfaced after watching a film...
4) Am I stuck in a stage? How do I progress?
5) New friends: revealing gayness (facebook: becoming more lenient.. a good idea or not?)

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